Python YouTube Downloader with Pytube
Python YouTube Video Downloader is an application to download videos from YouTube. This provides users to download videos they need in their devices and watch them offline.
Youtube Video Downloader Python Project
The Youtube downloader project is a python project. The object of this project is to download any type of video in a fast and easy way from youtube in your device.
In this python project, user has to copy the youtube video URL that they want to download and simply paste that URL in the ‘paste link here’ section and click on the download button, it will start downloading the video. When video downloading finishes, it shows a message ‘downloaded’ popup on the window below the download button.
Steps to Develop Python YouTube Downloader
Project Prerequisites
To implement this project we use basic concept of python, tkinter, pytube library.
- Tkinter is a standard GUI library and it is one of the easiest ways to build a GUI application.
- pytube used for downloading videos from youtube
To install the required modules run pip installer command on the command line:
- Import libraries
- Create display window
- Create field to enter link
- Create function to start downloading
1. Import Libraries
Start the project by importing the required modules.
In this python project, we import Tkinter and pytube modules.
2. Create Display Window
- Tk() used to initialize tkinter to create display window
- geometry() used to set the window’s width and height
- resizable(0,0) set the fix size of window
- title() used to give the title of window
- Label() widget use to display text that users can’t able to modify.
- root is the name of the window
- text which we display the title of the label
- font in which our text is written
- pack organized widget in block
3. Create Field to Enter Link
- link is a string type variable that stores the youtube video link that the user enters.
- Entry() widget is used when we want to create an input text field.
- width sets the width of entry widget
- textvariable used to retrieve the value of current text variable to the entry widget
- place() use to place the widget at a specific position
4. Create Function to Start Downloading
Url variable gets the youtube link from the link variable by get() function and then str() will convert the link in string datatype.
The video is download in the first present stream of that video by stream.first() method.
Button() widget used to display button on the window.
- text which we display on the label
- font in which the text is written
- bg sets the background color
- command is used to call the function
root.mainloop() is a method that executes when we want to run the program.
path for the downloaded file can be changed from "save_path".
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